Photo contests are a great way to increase your brand’s Facebook LIKE count. Let Calvert Design Group create an engaging photo contest for your Facebook page.

Few things engage your prospects as well as a user-generated photo contest.  It creates viral brand awareness and grows your Facebook LIKEs and customer base.

Start with an idea for a contest that relates to your business – pictures of food from your restaurant, scenic photos from your region, event photos, etc.  Then come up with some form of incentive to increase participation – a discount coupon, a t-shirt, offer to run the winning photo as your cover photo, etc. Then sit back and let us do the rest.

Our turnkey Facebook Photo Contest allows for the submission of photos (with or without requiring approval – although we do recommend it).  Through a “LIKE-gate” only those who LIKE your page can submit entries.  Once approved, each entry will receive a URL they can share with their friends encouraging them to vote for their entry.  Again, with a “LIKE-gate” in place only those people who LIKE your Facebook page are able to vote.  We will set up your contest and manage it for you from start to finish for one low price.

Visit a Facebook Photo Contest